The Sohn Conference Foundation
The Sohn Conference Foundation is an essential contributor to Tackle Kids Cancer’s efforts to support pediatric cancer patient care. In 2016, the Foundation launched the Sohn-Manning Pediatric Cancer Survivorship Program to benefit Cure and Beyond at Hackensack University Medical Center. This contribution ensures that childhood cancer patients continue to receive the long-term physical and emotional care they need after recovery from their illness.

In 2020, the Sohn Conference Foundation made a new commitment to support Cure and Beyond. “As we celebrate the 25th year of the Sohn Conference, I think it is only befitting that we recognize the role that Hackensack University Medical Center has played in the history of our foundation,” said Evan Sohn, co-founder, Sohn Conference Foundation. “My team – Chairman Graham Duncan, Chair Emeritus Daniel Hirsch, President Daniel Nir – and I are honored and privileged to make a donation to Tackle Kids Cancer in honor of both Dr. Michael Harris and Eli Manning, both who have been heroes for pediatric cancer.”