Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is the largest inherited disease in the United States, affecting 1 out of every 865 African Americans and 1 out of every 16,300 Hispanic-American births. New Jersey has an estimated 2000 cases of SCD, with 80-90 births occurring annually.
While the prognosis for untreated SCD is quite poor, including organ failure, acute pain, and decreased lifespan, there are several available treatments for the disease. Hackensack Meridian Health is the only hospital system in the state of New Jersey offering two curative treatments to patients. These include bone marrow transplant and a new gene therapy protocol.
Tackle Kids Cancer includes Sickle Cell in our mission as the treatments and research align closely with our oncology initiatives. Funds raised will provide funding to expand services to better serve the clinical and psycho-social needs of the Sickle Cell community, while continuing our efforts to provide cutting edge treatments.

These trials have given way to many success stories for patients like Elizabeth, Razel and Aya
This can’t be done without you
Tackle Kids Cancer is a team effort. By raising awareness and funds, we help hundreds of pediatric patients being treated today, and help fund discoveries to keep children healthy in the future.